WV Caring Advanced Illness Care

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More Options for Children

Pallative and hospice care have been the focus of a lot of attention over the past couple of years, and as a result Medicare's coverage for these services is evolving. Following yet another regulation change, children in California will now have more options when it...

Medicare Expands Coverage

Thanks to new Medicare regulations, West Virginia's elderly will have an easier time making end-of-life decisions, such as entering hospice care or deciding whether they wish to be resuscitated or put on life support. With the new regulations, patient costs will be...

Hospice Care Thrift Store News

Hospice Care Corp.'s thrift store on Fairmont's Market Street has been a major success, helping to generate funds for the nonprofit organization's efforts in the community. Here is a nice write up from Katie Wilson at the Times West Virginian, describing some exciting...

Fairmont Thrift Store – Hospice Care WV

  The Hospice Care Thrift Shop is a community service of Hospice Care, a nonprofit organization owned by the communities it serves.  The Thrift Shop allows the community to support our mission to care for those diagnosed with a serious illness in a very tangible way....

Reedsville Thrift Store – Hospice Care WV

  The Hospice Care Thrift Shop is a community service of Hospice Care, a nonprofit organization owned by the communities it serves.  The Thrift Shop allows the community to support our mission to care for those diagnosed with a serious illness in a very tangible way....

Volunteer & Service – Hospice Care

  The Hospice Care Volunteer Program is an integral part of the interdisciplinary team. Volunteers were responsible for founding Hospice Care and they remain the cornerstones even today. When indicated and agreed upon by the patient and family, a trained volunteer is...

Why Donate To Hospice Care?

Because Your Donation Gives One More Day   One more day to laugh, talk, love, sing, share, pray... live. Hospice Care is an active member of the community and has served thousands of patients over the years. Being a non-profit organization 501(c)(3), we rely on...

WV Caring

We're invested in our communities and taking care of our neighbors because it’s the right thing to do.



Notice of NonDiscrimination
West Virginia Caring complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate, exclude, or treat people differently on the basis of social status, political belief, race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity) or disability (including mental illness and substance use disorders) with regard to admission, access to treatment, or employment.

West Virginia Caring provides free aids and services to help people with disabilities communicate effectively, such as interpretation services, written information in other formats, and free language services to people whose primary language is not English. If you need these services, please contact WV Caring.