WV Caring Advanced Illness Care

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Perry G. Fine Lecture a Success

The 5th Annual Perry G. Fine, MD Pain Lecture Series was recently held with about 200 in attendance.  Dr. Perry Fine and Dr. Marcus Nemuth addressed new and alarming information about two serious issues: combat trauma affecting our troops and the widespread prevalence...

The Importance of a Healthy Brain

CDC reaching out to promote brain health awareness Keeping your brain healthy is one of the most important things you can do. Diseases like Alzheimers and dementia are on the rise, to the point where the CDC actually commissioned "The Healthy Brain Initiative," a...

New Study Proves Value of Hospice Care

Higher quality of life means happy patients A study headed by Baohui Zhang, M.S., formerly of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, revealed several specific factors that affect people's quality of life during end of life care.   This quote, from a Medical News Today...

Exercise Your Mind

Playing games enhances mental health While many seem to take for granted that they may lose their mental acuity as they age, the reality is that the degree to which our minds fade is, in a large part, influenced by our own behavior. Even medical conditions like...

Healthy Living Adds Years to Life

Make healthy choices and enjoy life longer Following a healthy lifestyle can lead to a longer life, even among people who are already well into their 70s, new research shows.Getting regular exercise, staying engaged with friends and family, and abstaining from smoking...

5th Annual Perry G. Fine, M.D., Pain Lecture Series

5th Annual Perry G. Fine, M.D., Pain Lecture Series Combat Trauma and Chronic Pain – Epidemics of Major Proportions This year the 5th Annual Perry G. Fine, M.D., Pain Lecture Series will address new and alarming information about two serious issues: combat trauma...

5th Annual Perry G. Fine Pain Lecture Series

Combat Trauma and Chronic Pain - Epidemics of Major Proportions For years, The Perry G. Fine Pain Lecture Series has been breaking ground and educating healthcare professionals in the field of pain management. This free event, hosted by Hospice Care Corp and West...

WV Caring

We're invested in our communities and taking care of our neighbors because it’s the right thing to do.



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West Virginia Caring complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate, exclude, or treat people differently on the basis of social status, political belief, race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity) or disability (including mental illness and substance use disorders) with regard to admission, access to treatment, or employment.

West Virginia Caring provides free aids and services to help people with disabilities communicate effectively, such as interpretation services, written information in other formats, and free language services to people whose primary language is not English. If you need these services, please contact WV Caring.